EHDA Board Meeting
July 10, 2024, Evergreen Grill & via Teams
Attending: Jeremy Williams, Chris Morton, Brenda Morris, Chip Chockley, Bill and Teresa Bullock, Ashley Bonds, Don and Marion Jones, Marshall Ogier, Susan Weber, Neely Bagwell, Michael Seeker, Caroline Weiss, Laura Lanier, Roy Bell, Gene Laurenzi.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Beautification – Bill noted that three trees were recently planted at the home at the NE corner of Stonewall and Poplar, a spot in need of canopy trees.
Membership – CM reported more members already than we had last year. Dollars down about $2,000. He is working on the block captain list on the website. He handed out a list for new home packets.
Communication – Teresa is working on a list and photos for merchandise for Chris to post on the website. He also asked for dates so he can update the calendar for 2024. He will look into the possibility of a subscribable calendar.
Planning – 395 Willett – Seeking retroactive COA for fence and front door and window change. It was agreed in Planning Committee to oppose the door but not comment on the fence. This plan was approved by the board.
Community Engagement (CC) Chip attended a mandatory workshop prior to grant application for the sidewalk repair work.
National Night Out – August 6.
Fall Picnic – Sunday Oct. 6. City does not believe we are the park adopters. Bill will check with City Beautiful to clarify. $700 for the event was approved.
Membership Meeting – September 19. Will try for CJ Davis.
Christmas Caroling – December 8, 2024. Marion is looking for addresses for carolees to use with the application for a permit. Looking at perhaps stopping by houses of people we want to honor for the work in the neighborhood even though may not be homebound.
Brewery Outing – Had a nice crowd of about a two dozen who participated.
V&E Artwalk – Oct. 5
EHDA Metal Signs – The board will make suggestions for sign location. Bill will work on the one at Stonewall and Poplar. Bill will conduct an inventory and with other input, determine exactly how many signs we really need, and what signs might be repaired instead of replaced.
Adopt a Trashcan – Jeremy asked board members to sign petition to make 25 signatures so we can qualify for a free trashcan.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
EHDA Board Meeting Minutes
June 12, 2024, Friends for All and via Teams
Attending: Jeremy Williams, Neely Bagwell, Sam Goff, Don and Marion Jones, Carrie Kerley, Gene Laurenzi, Chris Morton, Denise and Autry Parker, Wain Rubenstein, Michael Seeker, Caroline Smith, Susan Weber, Caroline Weiss,
Hosted by Friends for All: Diane Duke, Chooch Pickard
- Monthly Business
- Approval of minutes from last meeting (May 2024) – Minutes of the previous meeting were approved
- Financial Report (CK) – Carrie presented financials. Only 3 expenditures were Mail Chimp, MLGW, and Trinity easter egg hunt expenses. Current assets $61,473.09. Motion to approve financial report passed.
- Committee Reports
- Beautification (EL) – A signature sheet to support “Adopt a Trashcan” was circulated and signed by the board members.
- Membership (CM) – Chris sent out notices to everyone who hasn’t paid due so far.
- Block captain list – web page is in process, should be available soon.
- Communication (CM) – no updates to report.
- Fundraising (CS) – Recent events have been successful, so no major activity at this time. There is a consideration to overlap with community engagement activities like nights at local establishments. Caroline noted the committee might look to have some things in place before fall membership meeting.
- Planning (MS) Michael Seeker
- Major: Parkview on Poplar overlooking Overton, submitted a modification to the COA that they’d previously gotten approved for a change in the material of the fencing from brick to hardy-type fence. They communicated that they had met nearby neighbors. There is also a proposal for some covered parking as a part of that.
- Major: Apt at 148 Clark Place – retrocactive. The owners built a fence down the property line in the front to block the neighbor. They had removed some portion of the fence but have an application in for retroactive approval for it. Recommendation to the board, letter in opposition of solid front yard fences. Motion passed.
- FYI – Design guidelines currently prohibit front yard fencing, and side yard fencing must move no farther forward than the midpoint of the house. On corner lots on busy streets, there is consideration for front yard fencing of certain types / heights / materials. At Evergreen and Peach, a fence went up over the weekend
- Community Engagement/Safety (CC/SD)
- Crosstown Brewery Event to be held 28Jun2024.
- Sunset Symphony was great, low key event, with some Evergreeners who came out.
- Cop Stop – Shannon and Sam to discuss
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety – not discussed in detail
- Branding (SG) – name tags to be ordered per last meeting approvals
- Other Items
- Strategic Planning – Marion and Jeremy have sent some emails back and forth regarding strategic planning and the project application which requests some data (e.g. current FY budget with results, staff list, by laws, etc.). Generally eligible organizations include 501c3, but there is one comment that the organization has to have at least one paid staff member and stable board leadership. Marion/Jeremy to explore applicability to neighborhood associations. It asks about fundraising, so that’s an area in which we’d seek help. There was discussion regarding whether by filling out the application EHDA is engaging them, when it was expected that we would be using this process to determine whether to engage them. It is expected that they would design a process with us that would fit what we want to do.
- Brewery outing, Friday June 28, 5:30pm – will start at Trinity and walk over, but can also just show up and have a beer.
- V&E Artwalk, October 5th – EHDA will sponsor at $500. Motion passed.
- EHDA metal signs – Carrie has an estimate from Watkins Fabrication that’s more detailed than the Metal Museum estimate, which just referenced $675 to research costs, and would be between $11-1$6K total. Watkins Fabrication noted $765 per sign, including lattice work and middle section. $695 per sign with lettering and tulip but no lattice work. She will discuss with Bill, and this will be further discussed at the next meeting.
- Tree planting – not discussed at this meeting
- Adopt-a-Trashcan, Sallie Hillard Park – see Beautification update
- Sidewalk grant – Sidewalk repair grant explored by Don and Chip – CY’s grant was for the last fiscal year and that period has closed but is about to open again Monday 17Jun. Don and Chip will collaborate and come up with a proposal, likely for $10,000. Chip will explore engaging the contractor who did the work for CY and VECA. Suggestions regarding how neighbors could apply for and qualify for the grant were discussed (priority streets for marathon, sidewalks in the worst shape, first paid first accepted, etc). Christ confirmed funding can be managed via the website.
- Merchandise on website – Teresa getting list and costs to Chris for website.
- Fall neighborhood get-together – since any activities in Williamson require EHDA to pull a permit 90 days ahead of time, dates were discussed for Sep/Oct. The fall membership meeting is 19Sep2024, so 06Oct2024 was considered for a fall picnic.
Move to adjourn approved.
Next board meeting: Wednesday July 10
Evergreen Historic District Association Board Meeting
May 8, 2024, Evergreen Grill and via Teams
Attending: Jeremy Williams, Sam Goff, Chris Morton, Bill and Teresa Bullock, Michael Seeker, Chip Chockley, Don and Marion Jones, Caroline Smith, Carrie Kerley, Ashley Bonds, Roy Bell, Susan Weber, Autry and Denise Parker, Neeley Bagwell, Brenda Morris.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Carrie presented the financial report. Total assets $61,631. Big cash infusion included about $8,000 in dues and about $8,000 in Gala ticket sales. She reported on 2023 budget vs. actual. We ended about $4,500 under the budget of about $14,500. She presented the board with a 2024 proposed budget of $18,650. The financial report was approved as well as the proposed budget, noting if changes need to be made they will be addressed.
Beautification – Denise noted that a large tree was struck by lighting in Williamson Park. She has filed a 311 complaint to get the removal finished.
Trash can at Sallie Hillard Park – Jeremy will print a form that requires 25 signatures to move this forward.
Membership – Chris noted we have about 250 members, about average for this time of year. Another dues notice will go out and he expects additional members. He also handed out addresses that need new home packets.
Chip noted that some block captains like to print and deliver flyers. Chip suggested a Kinko’s account. Teresa said it may work better for her if the folks that need printed copies get them from her.
Some block captains had requested that they get a list of other block captains. Chris suggested that we put a list of block captains and the areas they serve. The only information will be name, address and the area they cover. Chris will notify the block captains before it goes live in case they do not want this published. It was also noted that having name and address posted may need to be a condition of being a block captain.
Welcome packets – Chip reported that some block captains want a quicker response on welcome packets. After discussion, it was agreed that this has been and continues to be an issue. While some block captains request a packet for folks that move in, the majority are discovered by Chris in real estate transactions, this information then goes to Teresa, who subsequently puts together welcome packets and then delivers them to block captains or directly to the new resident if no block captain. Depending upon schedules and numbers of transactions, there can be delays of several months before a packet is delivered.
Christmas Caroling will be Dec. 8 this year.
Friday June 28 Beer Walk to Crosstown Brewery.
Fundraising – on a well-deserved break
Planning – Michael reported that 2 minors went to Landmarks review. One was for a Kitchen remodel on Stonewall that had some impact on the exterior. Other is Evergreen and Peach, resident wanting to enclose the lot with a fence.
Community Engagement – Chip did research on sidewalks. He got some information from Cooper Young, which apparently patterned a program after one in VECA. They got an $8,000+ grant. They matched what the cost to a resident was, collected all the money up front and had the contractor complete about 10 projects in February at a cost of $5 per square foot. Chip suggested we apply for a similar grant and attempt to duplicate this program. The board agreed. Chip will reach out to City Council to see how to move forward.
Branding – Sam passed around the graphics for an EHDA board member name tag. He made a motion for a name tag for all board members. It was approved. It was also agreed to get Chip to ask the block captains if they would like name tags.
Sam also discussed having an EHDA lapel pin. He is looking for some pricing on these. He will bring artwork and pricing to a future board meeting.
Ice Cream Social and/or Picnic – Potential to do in conjunction with Sunset Symphony at the Shell on May 26 or some other date. It was a agreed to have a BYOB picnic at the Shell with Sunset Symphony.
At this time still considering a Fall picnic and perhaps a separate ice cream event later this year.
Jeremy informed the group that he had received an email from an Evergreener wanting us to have a speaker where we can learn more about trees and their benefits. Teresa noted that the Evergreen Garden Club was in the process of getting arborist Wes Hopper to Trinity later this year to speak to the garden club. It was agreed to try to make this an EHDA event as well.
1663 Autumn – Caroline reported no new applications and that the grass was being mowed.
EHDA Signs – Carrie reported that another estimate is forthcoming.
Bill reported he met with the owner of the multi-family house on the NE corner of Stonewall and Poplar. The owner is allowing us to plant trees in the front yard. Bill will get with Michael Wayt ASAP to get several different species of oaks planted.
Sam let the group know how Trinity UMC is bouncing back from a low attendance point several months ago to one of recent significant growth in attendance on Sudays. He attributes this to the very positive attitude of the folks at Trinity, and asked that we EHDA board members consider ramping up our excitement for the neighborhood. Cheers and hoots erupted.
Next board meeting June 12 at Friends for All.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Evergreen Historic District Association Board Meeting
April 17, 2024 – Trinity United Methodist Church/Via Teams
Attending: Jeremy Williams, Sam Goff, Don and Marion Jones, Roy Bell, Gene Laurenzi, Chip Chockley, Brenda Morris, Caroline Smith, Shannon Dixon, Susan Weber, Marshall Ogier, Caroline Weiss, Neely Bagwell, Michael Seeker, Autry and Denise Parker.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. (Motioned by Sam, Seconded by Roy)
Financial Report –
- Carrie sent the financial report ahead of time (ball income isn’t included yet) (Don motioned. Sam Seconded)
- She has filled out the 990 and filed the annual report
- She is working on getting EHDA sign estimates and will be discussed in more detail next month (she was absent, but Jeremy reported)
- The Trinity egg hunt donation was approved for $500, but a check of only $250 was sent. Jeremy will follow up to rectify since the funds were spent.
Beautification –
- For years we were involved in Greensward fight and that was resolved.
- Also involved in Williamson Park improvements and that was resolved primarily (trees planted).
- He is thinking of reaching out to Overton Park to see what help they need.
- Chip mentioned that VECA has a program of assisting with homeowners with sidewalk repairs (50%).
- It was discussed to do some fact finding about how other neighborhoods are doing this program.
- Perhaps canvas the neighborhood and find some of the worse cases.
- Perhaps negotiate a group price for neighbors.
Memberships – (postponed to May)
- Kinkos account
- Block Captain list
- Welcome packets
Fundraising –
- Nothing new. It would be interesting to engage in strategic planning to be able to develop a budget to fundraise for.
Planning –
- No active cases
- Jeremy has documented an 8-foot-high fence on Clark Place that he is sending to Landmarks.
Community Engagement/Safety –
- Cop Stop – a Saturday morning breakfast (not middle of June) at Trinity would work; Shannon will follow up with someone to reach out to the precinct about a date and will discuss resources needed at a future meeting
- Brewery Walk – Shannon will pick a Friday in June and publicize (Shannon will contact the brewery about the date – June 7th prospective date)
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety – no meetings in a while
Branding –
- Anything we do in conjunction with another organization, we need to make sure we get proper exposure for it. Board members were urged to keep this front on mind.
- Would be nice for board members who are attending events would be easily distinguished with name tags. Could also do t-shirts. Sam will also research die cut pins.
- There was interest in t-shirts with various ideas, one being a design contest and producing the winner
Communication – (postponed to May)
New Business
- Spring/early summer community event, ice cream social? Picnic?
- Jeremy is thinking about May before it gets too hot. Will bring this back up at the next meeting.
- Strategic Planning
- Shannon discussed doing a simple strategic plan with the free consulting firm that is a part of New Memphis:
- Survey neighbors on their priorities
- Do some focus groups with neighbors on their priorities
- Have some sessions with the board to respond to that neighbor input and decide on priorities to flow down to committees, an annual calendar, and a budget
- The group decided to proceed with discussions on engaging New Memphis consultants on a strategic planning process. (Chip motioned. Neely seconded.)
- Caroline, Neely, Marion, and Jeremy will meet with the consultant group at New Memphis (Shannon will connect)
- The group will apply at this link:
- Shannon discussed doing a simple strategic plan with the free consulting firm that is a part of New Memphis:
Old Business
- 1663 Autumn –
- Caroline reached out to Frank about some dumping and overgrown grass and he responded promptly with positive action.
- Frank is trying to get an MLGW permit to turn on electricity in order to start renovation. But he has declined to share his current plans.
- EDHA metal signs
- Tree planting
- Adopt-a-Trashcan, Sallie Hillard Park
Next scheduled meeting will be May 8.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Evergreen Historic District Association Board Meeting
March 20, 2024, Trinity United Methodist Church/Via Teams
Attending: Jeremy Williams, Sam Goff, Don and Marion Jones, Roy Bell, Gene Laurenzi, Bill and Teresa Bullock, Chris Morton, Chip Chockley, Brenda Morris, Roshun Austin, Carrie Kerley, Laura Lanier, Caroline Smith, Shannon Dixon, Susan Weber, Natasha Strong, Lauren Williams Batiste, Karen (VECA VP), Marshall Ogier, Caroline Weiss, Neely Bagwell.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Roshun Austin, president of The Works gave information about a project at 1230 Watkins in the Klondike neighborhood. She noted how much investment they have made in the neighborhood. Property was acquired for $220,000. The works has about 30 years in affordable housing, has been in farmers market and urban farming. Now Green infrastructure work and up cycling. The facility in Klondike will take trees from urban homes and commercial businesses. They will cut and send green wood to sawmills to become usable lumber. Planning categorized it as a sawmill, outside of current zoning. The Works filed a planned development but has withdrawn it after opposition. Why here: 10 acres, next to a very contaminated site, plus Nexair, Buckman and near Kilowatt Lake.
Donald Batiste, President of VECA, addressed the board on this topic. He related that the site is in the NW quadrant of VECA. He noted the 20 opposition letters that were received with the application. A survey of nearby businesses shows a neighboring restaurant is opposed. Chandler Demolition is opposed. The cleaners are opposed. The Autoglass store is opposed. Karen noted that the neighbors in the New Chelsea Neighborhood reached out to VECA. Key issue is that up zoning is needed for the project, the VECA is opposed to that. This is a former superfund site.
After discussion, it was agreed not to weigh in on the project for now.
Financial Report – Carrie shared the report. We have a new money market account, netting $158 in interest since inception. Total assets: $46,402 plus some PayPal money. She also detailed the expenses, many of which were for the Gala. The report was approved.
Beautification – Gene requested ideas for folks for beautification projects.
Communication – There has been some unpleasant things on social media. Contact Chris if you see anything. Rules, be nice, don’t bully.
Fundraising – Caroline reported that we had a great Gala and all agreed. Over $2,000 profit was made, but the time spent by volunteers was significant. For the future, perhaps every 2 or every 4 years.
Planning – Duplex under construction at Garland on vacant lot.
Community Engagement/Safety – April 9 block captain meeting being planned.
Snowden PTA has April 27 CommUnity event. It was approved to sponsor them for $500.
There was discussion regarding submissions for the E News. It was agreed that at this time, no change to current rules.
There was discussion regarding EHDA’s priorities. It was agreed to add Strategic Planning to the next board meeting agenda to explore this.
1663 Autumn – Caroline met with the owner yesterday. They have been repairing some of the structure. Owner says no plan other than getting electricity to the structure. Owner claims no viable alternatives for residential. She reported he does not want to engage with the neighborhood regarding plans. They are fixing it to comply with Environmental Court mandate.
Bill reported on the EHDA signs. Quote from Metal Museum for 20 signs was between $650 to $800 per sign. Carrie will reach out to some auto parts fabricators her husband knows to see if we are in the ballpark.
Gene will check with Evergreen Garden Club regarding Adopt a Trashcan for Sallie Hillard Park.
Pancake breakfast on Saturday, 9 to 10:15 at Trinity. Sam invited all to come.
It was agreed to put EHDA merchandise on the website for sale. Teresa will get price and photo details to Chris.
Next scheduled meeting will be April 17.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Evergreen Historic District Association Board Meeting
January 10, 2024, Trinity United Methodist Church and Via Teams
Attending: Jeremy Williams, Sam Goff, Chris Morton, Bill and Teresa Bullock, Wain Rubenstein, Michael Seeker, Don and Marion Jones, Chip Chockley, Gene Laurenzi, Ashley Bonds, Denise and Autry Parker, Clay Polk, Carrie Kerley, Caroline Smith, Susan Weber.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Financial Report: Carrie reported nothing out of the ordinary for December. Some caroling expenses, general liability policy, rental deposit for Gala. $53,509 current assets. $30,000 moved to 4.5% money market. Report was approved. She will work on 2024 budget. It was also approved to make payment to TUMC for room use as done in the past.
Beautification: Gene is putting together an application for the trashcan for Sallie Hillard Park. He will have a sheet at January General Membership meeting to get the necessary signatures for the application.
Membership: Chris reported Dues notices went out this evening to all who have not yet paid dues.
Communication: Funding committee to send additional info to Chris for updating E News and Teresa will update social media.
Fundraising: Caroline reported on the Gala which is in 6 weeks on February 24. Need to sell 75 tickets to break even. Only 8 sold so far.
Planning: Michael reported 1601 Galloway on Landmarks agenda. Applicant has not submitted an appropriate application. It was approved to send another letter in opposition to application as it stands, but Michael has attempted to work with the applicant to submit an appropriate application.
Burned out house next to Kroger has been demolished. Clay sent a email to Mayor’s office on Jan 2, and had immediate response to this and other properties in District II.
Community Engagement/Safety – Chip will reach out to block captains to encourage participation in the Gala. Jeremy noted he and Shannon have had some technical difficulties in reaching out, but will continue the effort.
Nominating Committee: Sam looking for one more board member for the 2024 slate.
1663 Autumn – Caroline shared that it was in BOA last month and the application was denied. Trying to figure out what’s next. The owner has done little to inform and engage the community lately so she reports she does not know where things stand. It is to be in Environment Court on January 24.
January 30 General Membership Meeting: Mayor Paul Young will be our speaker. The meeting will be a pot luck beginning around 5 p.m., potentially with meeting portion first and pot luck after.
The group decided not to be a sponsor for the SuperB owl event at Overton Park, but wants to find a more suitable forum to financially support OPC.
Friends for All would like to host the EHDA board for a tour. Will discuss potentially having March Board Meeting at FFA – keeping in mind when spring breaks occur.
Easter – Sam let us know Trinity was interested in EHDA again sponsoring Easter Egg hunt on March 24. The board approved that sponsorship again this year.
Bill reported an EHDA sign is in hands of Metal Museum. Awaiting a design.
Bill reported that 15 trees planted so far. Expect a handful more to be planted in the coming weeks.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.