2022 Minutes

Evergreen Historic District Board Meeting

Trinity United Methodist Church and Via Zoom

December 14, 2022

Attending: Jeremy Williams, Bill and Teresa Bullock, Don and Marion Jones, Gene Laurenzi, Sam Goff, Chris Morton, Cannon Parkerson, Vishant Shah, Kevin Barton, Glen Gallien, Bram Bros-Koefoed, Wain Rubenstein, Turner Foster, Denise and Autry Parker, Mallory and Michael Seeker, Carolyn Fisher, Chip Chockley, Neeley Bagwell, Susan Weber, Carrie Kerley.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Carolyn Fisher, president of the Evergreen Garden Club, shared with the board plans of the Evergreen Garden Club. Cooper Young is trying to expand their garden walk involving other neighborhoods and calling it Experience Memphis Gardens. She wants to publicize in the EHDA News to solicit gardens in the neighborhood. Needs to happen before July 2. Garden Club promised to redo Sallie Hillard Park this year but it didn’t happen. This year they want to do something to make it more pretty, with hopes to use scouts for the heavy work. She wants to schedule a litter pickup day incorporating block captains the week before the garden event. Wes Hopper has an interesting presentation on the responsibility of tree ownership. Carolyn would like Wes to give this presentation at an evening meeting of the Garden Club for the benefit of Evergreeners. The board gave positive feedback and encouraged her to get back with the information to go out and needs that they have from EHDA

Vishant, Kevin, and Bram discussed pedestrian safety. Streets are becoming less safe. We are approaching 80 pedestrian deaths across Memphis this year. They described several incidents involving pedestrians struck by vehicles. One was a recent incident at Evergreen and Overton Park. Two others were fatalities – one on North Parkway and one on East Parkway. All these are preventable through engineering, behavioral changes, law enforcement and city leadership. Kevin discussed Smart Growth America’s Dangerous by Design, noting Memphis was 3rd worst in the nation.

They provided a draft letter outlining how EHDA can more actively engage city government on pedestrian safety in Evergreen. They also recommended that Pedestrian Safety become a standing EHDA Board agenda item. (EHDA Pedestrian Safety DRAFT_Dec_2022).

Bram discussed a specific traffic death impacting his family. He has learned ways to better engage city leadership. He has been in front of City Council and noted that the city has $3.5 million allocated for pedestrian safety and EHDA should work to make sure some of that money is earmarked for EHDA.

It is requested that EHDA send a letter similar to the letter they provided us to city government.

After the presenters left the meeting, there was significant discussion and it was agreed to ask the meeting attendees on pedestrian safety to become the nucleus of a new Safety Committee operating under Community Engagement. Chip will pursue. Justin Carter manages the traffic calming program for the city of Memphis. Justin.Carter@memphistn.gov

Carrie presented financials – Nothing out of the ordinary except reversal of two fraudulent transactions. She had to open a new account and roll money into that account. Also had to purchase new checks. Total Assets: $38,191 at the end of November. They financials were approved.

Beautification – Gene reported that Adrianna is the new liaison with the Parks Division. Williamson Park improvements still promised just not happening as we were previously told. Bill noted he is participating in a Midtown Park Friends group representing 4 midtown parks including Williamson. Also discussed potentially planting a couple more trees in Williamson Park. Gene will work with Parks.

Membership – Dues notices will go out after first of the year. Chris will cancel automatic payments occurring in the second half of the year and will notify folks to reschedule for January or at least first half of the year. Dues are due in January.

Communication – Chris opined and the board agreed that we need to do a better job of publicizing the good things we do to our membership. Marion suggested a calendar in the E News. Sam suggested increasing our Marketing to the Neighborhood. Perhaps could be another committee or an add-on to an existing committee. Don and Marion plan to discuss with a neighbor with marketing acumen.

Fundraising – Teresa reported she has been working with Sabine regarding a wine tasting. They will discuss in January. The Evergreen Ball is still in the works – potentially for late Spring.

Planning – No report.

Community Engagement – Caroling was great, gave gift certificates to carolees.

Park Friends – Bill reported that PFI is funding the deck at the Abe Goodman Golf House at Overton Park. It was moved by Bill and seconded by Sam to fund Park Friends for $1,000.

The January EHDA Membership meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 26.

Washington Bottoms – Following up on their previous appearance before the board, a request has come for $800 for a sign. Tabled until January.

EHDA Metal Signs – Bill reported one will go in on McNeil near Poplar. Bill has yet to contact Ornamental Metal Museum regarding potentially making new signs.

Stone wall on Stonewall. The homeowner paid to have the downed and leaning portions of the wall removed. Homeowner does not appear to be moving forward with replacement.

1663 Autumn – Frank Smith is still potential buyer, but he has not yet completed all steps required by Environmental Court Judge Dandridge.

Being no further business, Teresa moved, Chris seconded and it was approved to adjourn the meeting.


EHDA Board Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2022, 7 pm

Attendees: Neely Bagwell, Chip Chockley, Carrie Eaker, Sam Goff, Don and Marion Jones, Gene Laurenzi, Brenda Morris, Autrey and Denise Parker, Wayne Rubenstein, Susan Weber, Jeremy Williams,

Monthly Business

Approval of minutes from last meeting (October 2022) – Approved

Financial Report (CK) – Carrie presented the current report, including mention of recurring monthly expenses, V&E sponsorship and fall picnic.  Two fraudulent charges detected related to payments made to a Chase Credit Card from the same person.  Carrie has addressed this with the bank, a temporary credit will be put in place with a final credit once Carrie is able to provide some additional paperwork.  This is likely due to some bills paid via check via mail.  The EHDA account is currently frozen, so a new account and new checks are likely to be in place by Friday.  There was discussion that the account has a generally lower balance than some prior years since the main fundraisers have not been held recently due to COVID as well as lower membership than some years past.  Financial report approved.

Committee Reports

Beautification (EL) – no updates this month

Membership (CM) – no update this month

Communication (CM) – no update this month

Fundraising (TB) – There was discussion regarding fundraising events historically happening early in the year and ideas for fundraisers were discussed, for example

wine tasting over the summer, an event timed with a Shell concert, EHDA ball (maybe in the fall?), Café Society event similar to a past event (Carrie to explore this with Café Society for a possible 1Q23 event), Similar event at maybe Ecco, Crosstown, Artbar for second quarter, Williamson Park events (e.g. crab boil, movie night) even if this is not a fundraiser but rather community engagement.

Planning (DJ)

Review of changes to the text of the zoning code, Unified Development Code is the product of Memphis and Shelby County Joint Housing Policy Plan. Under the proposed amendments to the Code, this proposal would allow cottages by right in the R-6 district (single family detached) and townhouses by right in the RU-1 district; large Homes and stacked townhouses would be eligible to seek a conditional use permit to locate in the RU-1 district; lot sizes would be reduced to allow higher density housing on smaller lots in certain districts; and changes to development standards for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) would allow these uses to be built in more locations.

221 N McLean parking pad has been removed

297 Willett – fence, EHDA has reached out to Brett Ragsdale

Church at 1663 Autumn– a well-attended meeting was held at Evergreen Presbyterian Church to share information about the process of receivership and the current status. City attorney and Public Works provided information and listened to the neighborhood questions/concerns.

Community Engagement (CC)

Neighborhood Watch (JW) – no update

Chip noted that the Halloween decoration contest and certificates were successful.

Motion made and approved for Jeremy to spearhead a holiday decorations contest similar to the Halloween decoration contest.

National Night Out was held recently and endorsed by the board.

New Business/Announcements

Holiday/Christmas plans – caroling (11Dec2022 from 2-4PM) – Melanie Dorsey received the request for a police escort.  We do have a special event permit.  We no longer have access to a float so will likely have a mini-bus or small bus.  The stops are being confirmed, so if anyone knows of someone who would benefit from a stop, their information can be provided to the board – ideally ~6 home visits.

Stone retaining wall west of Poplar/Stonewall – The wall is a part of the home at that corner.  Jeremy met with the homeowner and a masonry contractor.  The masonry contractor provided information about building a cinder block retaining wall with a new stone wall in front.  He indicated he could source similar stone since the fallen stone could not be re-used.  The owner indicated he could come up with a portion of the cost, and options for EHDA support of efforts to help raise/offset the rest of the cost were discussed (EHDA support of crowd sourcing funding, news coverage on the historic significance, etc).  Carrie agreed to look into whether there are crowdsource technologies that allow a refund to the donator if sufficient funds for the effort are not reached.  The owner has noted some concerns about whether there is an MLGW easement, status and impact of that is unknown so Jeremy agreed to investigate. It was also discussed that perhaps the owner should reach out to homeowners insurance. Prior requirements on the owner per Environmental Court were discussed.  Whether other sections of the wall are in peril and would require efforts was also discussed.

Old Business

EHDA metal signs

Tree planting

Marathon 3 weeks from Saturday will be coming down

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


EHDA Board Meeting

October 12, 2022

Trinity United Methodist Church and Zoom

Attending: Bill & Teresa Bullock, Jeremy Williams, Chris Morton, Don and Marion Jones, Sam Goff, Chip Chockley, Cannon Parkerson, Vivien and Roger Ekstrom, Misti Doose, Michael and Mallory Seeker.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


Beautification: Teresa reported that the EHDA garden club will be planting in Sallie Hillard Park this winter.

Membership: Chris reported we are at about 300 members. We have seen a decline in members from the peak of 424 in 2016. It was noted that we historically have received a number of memberships each year at general membership meetings and events like the picnic. Since Covid, those events have been limited.

Communication: There was discussion regarding the repeating text at the bottom of each Evergreen News Email. It was agreed to push as much as practical to the website.

Fundraising: Teresa reported she has spoken with Sabine regarding potentially doing something like a wine tasting event at Tonica or Ecco. This is to be determined. A meeting is being planned on the Evergreen Ball.

Planning: Don reported on the Unified Development Code first adopted in 2011. As changes have been made over the years, they are added annually through a zoning text amendment that goes first to the Land Use Control Board and then to city council and county commission.

Office of Planning and Development notes that housing costs are high with conditions leading to underinvestment, blight and desertion. Several of the changes recommended are to address that and allow for smaller houses to be built on smaller lots. Much of Evergreen is zoned R6. Cottage is a proposed addition to the UDC – it requires vehicle access from the rear of the tract – served by alley or side street if corner lot.

Two most important metrics per Don are lot width and setback requirements.

R3 is brand new district. This new district allows for lots as small as 2,500 square feet in the case of Cottage style housing.

Proposal in UDC: Add cottage to the R6 zoning. This would then give owners the right to divide large enough lots into smaller ones. Don opined that while Landmarks oversight may keep non-conforming housing out of Evergreen, the potential pressure on Landmarks from developers could be significant and may subject Landmarks and the process to serious pressure.

Accessory Dwelling units are currently limited to lots of 10,000 square feet. The changes propose to allow that threshold down to 6,000 square feet, and allow for this unit to be attached as well as be taller than the main structure. Currently zoning allows for ADUs on lots with single family houses. The change will allow for them to occur on lots with duplexes.

There was much discussion, noting general support for increased density, but concern about zoning rights that would not appropriately apply to EHDA because of our Historic District Status. As an example, the group generally agreed that having a large multifamily house on a 6,000 square foot lot may be appropriate (i.e. Duplex); but two houses on 25 foot wide lots may not be suitable and be out of character for the neighborhood.

It was agreed that we would support the request from MidtownMemphis.com to ask for more time to review and make comment.

Community Engagement: Chip reported the picnic was a success. Good music and pizza. Sam requested we not have picnic on day of a University of Memphis home football game. All agreed.

Neighborhood Watch: Jeremy reported the folks on Watkins near Kroger are working to form a watch for their part of the neighborhood.

Halloween Decorating Contest: Will repeat like last year with judges and gift certificates.

Christmas Caroling: Dec. 11 is target date. Looking to give gift certificates to folks being caroled to.

Signs: Bill requested that we remove the EHDA sign at Evergreen and Poplar and relocate it to McLean near Poplar where a sign once existed years ago. It was also suggested that we again explore getting more of the metal signs made, potentially working with the Ornamental Metal Museum.

Trees: Bill reported that the tree committee has measured the approximately 120 trees planted by EHDA since about 2004. He also reported that records from the early years of planting are sparse. The current list of trees will be shared with the neighborhood so that some of the gaps in data can be filled in.

Signage for Washington Bottoms. Emily Bishop has asked if EHDA would be willing to sponsor a sign. Teresa reported that signs may need to be permitted. We will ask for a bit more information.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Evergreen Historic District Board Meeting

September 14, 2022

Trinity United Methodist Church and Via Zoom

Attending: Rob Landrigan (Scouts), Jeremy Williams, Chris Morton, Sam Goff, Katie Bruce, Laura Lanier, Chip Chockley, Mary Baker, Emily Bishop, Don and Marion Jones, Turner Foster, Carrie Kerley, Denise Parker, Neely Bagwell, Susan Weber.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Financial Report: Carrie reported for July and August. Assets as of Aug. 31, 2022, $39,926.67. The report was approved.

Mary Baker presented on Washington Bottoms. This is the area generally behind the businesses on Cleveland and Poplar with McNeil the Eastern boundary and Court generally the south boundary. Their plan is to remove blight, nurture and improve the natural environment, and develop an urban garden. Steering Committee meets every two weeks – Don Jones represents EHDA on this committee. They currently have mown paths through natural areas including a pollinator prairie. There was discussion regarding EHDA sponsoring the group in some way. Don will get back to EHDA with details.

Emily Bishop presented on PARK(ing) day, which will be between Avalon and Angelus on Friday, September 16, 2022. She also reported that several trees will be planted in early November – fundraising done by MidtownMemphis.org.

Rob Landrigan with Scouts 13 addressed the meeting. They have been in the neighborhood 100 years. Have about 60 kids involved in scouting now. With the Methodist church not chartering scouts anymore, they are looking for EHDA to charter them. This is not a financial investment. Trinity will continue to host, no insurance requirements of EHDA. Our value is the use of the 501 C 3 status. EHDA would have a say in approving unit leadership as well as programming. He answered questions regarding potential liability EHDA may have if we were the chartering organization. If started, it would only continue if renewed each year. Rob will gather more information and present it to EHDA.

Beautification: Bill reported that the Tree Group is measuring the approximately 120+ trees EHDA has planted in the last 20 years. Some of the earlier planted trees are as much as 12 inches in diameter and over 60 feet tall. This data will be collected, presented to the board, and kept on a shared drive for future study.

Membership: Chris asked the group to watch the Facebook page and alert him of issues. There have been several poorly behaved posters, which will not be tolerated.

Planning Committee: Don submitted a report, and specifically added some information regarding the parking pad on McLean. The owner filed for a planned development for just the parking pad. Seems to be in direct violation of a judge’s order.

Unified Development Code amendments are in play again. Don is scrutinizing them.

Code Enforcement – 1700 Galloway is still an issue. The Works is looking into this for possibly providing some assistance. 410 N. McLean at Autumn. Gate falling apart and some other issues.

SE corner of Evergreen and Peach – City owned property, it appears they may be willing to sell to the next door neighbor. Planning committee will send letter of support.

Neighborhood Watch – Clay Polk is active in trying to get it going in the area around Kroger. Jeremy continuing to work in District I.

Fall Picnic – Sept. 24, 2022. Jim Spake and Jim Duckworth will play music. MemPops and Crosstown Brewery are involved. Approved up to $1,000 for budget.

Jeremy reported that he, Bill and Sam met with the Overton Park Alliance and met new zoo President and CEO Matt Thompson. All three agreed that he is a great benefit to the Zoo, Overton Park and the neighborhood.

Preliminary estimates put the repair of the stone wall at Stonewall at Poplar wall around $200,000. Given this is on private property and is the responsibility of the homeowner, path forward is not clear. If the wall is to be saved, financing would need to be creative.

Playground project at Trinity moving slowly forward. Considering work costing approximately $30,000.

1663 Autumn Avenue – Old abandoned church is going into receivership. This is a positive thing.

V&E Artwalk Saturday October 8.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Evergreen Historic District Association Board Meeting

Trinity UMC and Via Zoom – June 8, 2022

Attending: Jeremy Williams, Chris Morton, Teresa and Bill Bullock, Autry and Denise Parker, Sam Goff, Don and Marion Jones, Jessica Robinson, Katie Bruce, Gene Laurenzi, Laura Lanier, Brenda Morris, Susan Weber, Cannon Pakerson, Neely Bagwell, Melvin Burgess, Vivian Ekstrom, Mallory Seeker, Carrie Kerley, Turner Foster, Chip Chockley, Misti Doose, Niel and Sarah Prosser.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. It was agreed that we would include copies of the letters/emails presented in last month’s meeting.

Financial Report: Carrie reported on Financials. Current Assets $41,631. Several deposits for dues and tree reimbursement.

Beautification: Gene reported the city did give us a grant. We will use the $500 to help plant trees where they were removed in Williamson Park east of the playground. Bill and Gene will discuss with Michael Wayt and homeowner to the east. Teresa reported there is interest in Garden Walks across the city.

Membership: Chris reported we are a little behind on numbers. Chris had waited on sending green cards hoping for more payments, but will send soon. Also presented new home packet list. Sam requested a new home packed for the new school locating at Trinity.

Communication: Newsletter will increase in frequency to keep up with increasing events in the neighborhood.

Fundraising: Discussion on timing of Evergreen Ball. Gene reported that he has no tenant at this time upstairs at the Evergreen Lodge, and suggested sooner than later may work better. Perhaps the fall. It was suggested that perhaps another wine dinner may be a good fundraiser with a bit less work. Teresa will speak with Sabine of ECCO/Tonica.

Planning: Don – 401 Stonewall – wall. Slated for landmarks on June 23. Also, 1781 Forest, progress being made but still having issues with following proper process.

Community Engagement – Chip asked for board thoughts on porch parties similar to what happens in Cooper Young. Musicians play at several porches, in some cases blocking streets and providing restroom facilities. Chip asked for interested persons to join a committee to discuss. Will check Cooper Young webpage for details. Sam noted that TUMC is hosting Thursday morning coffee each week and encouraged boar member attendance. Jeremy reported the Garden Walk in Elmwood rescheduled for June 26, 11-2. FFL hosting a cookout on Saturday in their parking lot and giving tours.

Neighborhood Watch: Jeremy reported a lot of interest in District II.

Friends for Life: Jeremy opened up the floor for comments and discussion regarding FFL’s moving headquarters to the old Baptist Brotherhood building. Zoning questions were previously raised, and a letter was sent by EHDA. EHDA received an opinion letter, and the Prossers filed an appeal.

There was discussion regarding the meeting between the EHDA Executive Board and FFL staff and tour of the facility on June 7.

Many board members and other meeting attendees made comments and expressed concerns, including:

Should EHDA request FFL put in writing their statements regarding the methodology of their food pantry, their limited serving the homeless population, etc.

Will they expand their work to homeless population?

It was reported that FFL has been unwilling to try to reach common ground on the lawsuit filed.

Given there is significant information and data just received to be passed on to the board, the board approved to table the discussion until another meeting. Jeremy will distribute this information to the board.

1663 Autumn – Abandoned Church. Citation posted June 6, 2022. Based on Dec. 2017 inspection, the owner is required to repair or demolish. Hearing July 28, 2022 at Code Enforcement Office. Michael Seeker toured the building and reported that while it needs significant work, his opinion is that structurally it is in decent shape, and should not be razed.

Jeremy reported EHDA Diversity signs being requested at a rapid pace.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Evergreen Historic District Board Meeting

May 11, 2022

Trinity United Methodist Church

Attending: Jeremy Williams, Vivian Ekstrom, Don and Marion Jones, Autry and Denise Parker, Laura Lanier, Niel and Sarah Prosser, Chip Chockley, Carrie Kerley, Bill Bullock, Sam Goff, Wain Rubenstien, Susan Weber, Katie Bruce.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Carrie presented the April financial report. Report reflects correction of previous fraudulent charge. Two large withdrawals are diversity signs and payment to Landscape Works for tree planting. Also some money from Diane’s for sales. Current assets: $40,142. The report was approved.

Jeremy updated the board regarding the issues surrounding the Friends for Life plans at the building they purchased on Poplar between Willett and Williamson. Conclusion of the ad hoc meeting was to report to the board and discuss next steps. A list of questions was assembled to seek clarification on the issues surrounding the current zoning and use variances.

A letter from Division of Planning and Development was shared that gave opinion on zoning to FFL based on questions from their representatives. Letter attached.

A motion was presented and approved for the ad hoc committee to move forward submitting questions for the zoning administrator to determine what the official zoning is on the property.

Jeremy shared that FFL has reached out to him regarding a potential position that EHDA has taken on FFL’s plans for their building. It was agreed that this is not the case – EHDA has taken no position other than to completely understand what is allowed on this property. As we move forward, Jeremy urged the board to consider all issues of this situation as we learn more of their plans and what is allowed on the site.

Jeremy also suggested that we attempt to organize a meeting with all interested Evergreeners and FFL prior to the next EHDA board meeting.

Planning Committee – Don reported: 221 N. McLean – parking pad installed without process. Staff and board rejected. Appealed to chancery court. Within last couple of months, judge denied the right for the pad, and it should be removed soon.

1781 Forest – faux stucco material to be installed

1663 Autumn – abandoned church – board members invited to come and view the site. Don looking to find a way to get this into environmental court.

1905 Overton Park – unkempt yard and shrubbery. Chair will draft letter asking owner for compliance.

196 N. McNeil – heard in environmental court. Owner to be cited for contempt of court if any additional complaints. Case dismissed with fines ($30,000).

71 Clark – Stop work order released to allow some repairs to bring closer with compliance with COA.

Minor Applications for May

290 Stonewall – Exterior alterations to porches. Board discussed and wondered why this was considered a minor application.

1531 Forest – master bath addition

1595 Court – renovation – will replace stucco with hardy board.

1763 Overton Park – Demo existing garage.

Board members mentioned several other properties they will share with the committee.

Community Engagement – Chip reported inquiries after Cooper Young porch party – should EHDA do that? Will discuss next meeting.

Carissa of the Ornamental Metal Museum asked if Evergreeners wanted to tour Rust Hall. June 11 is the planned date – time to be determined.

General Membership Meeting in August – on the radar. Discuss in coming board meetings.

Fall Picnic – to be discussed.

Parkview moving forward with their plans to rehab the building without a parking garage. Will be at LUCB tomorrow. EHDA comments were reflected in the staff report.

Jeremy discussed the April 24 event at Trinity to raise awareness of and funds for the Trinity Playground Project.

EHDA Diversity Signs – all 50 spoken for. It was approved to order 50 more.

There being a Grizzlies game and no further business, the meeting was adjourned.



EHDA Board Meeting

April 20, 2022

Trinity United Methodist Church

Attending: Bill and Teresa Bullock, Denise and Autry Parker, Jeremy Williams, Chooch Pickard (architect for FFL), Diane Duke (FFL), Niel and Sarah Prosser, Sam Goff, Mia Cotton (FFL), Marion and Don Jones, Emily Keplinger, Charles London, Neely Bagwell, Susan Weber, Katie Bruce, Misti Doose, Michael and Mallory Seeker, Vivian Ekstrom, Kenny Fields (FFL), Carrie Kerley.

Jeremy started the meeting, noting we have several guests.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

Emily and Charles discussed with the board a request for a $500 grant to care for the cradle grave garden for the plot of the Robert Galloway family.  The grant was approved. They invited all to the May 22 Elmwood Garden Walk.

Diane, Chooch, Mia, and Kenny presented on the Friends for Life building at 1548 Poplar at Williamson. Building originally built in the 1950’s and attached to a four-square house. It was later added to and amended. The brick will remain, windows will be replaced. Normal business hours for food pantry and other services. Some medical services may extend later in the evening and on Saturday. Will have over 80 parking places on site (no additional paving). Will have large “community gathering meeting” room.

Typically saw 50-100 people per day pre-covid at existing location. Clinically 16 per day, with expectation to grow.

Property is zoned for philanthropic. Variance in 2017 approved philanthropic and medical.

Board members showed concern regarding the number of people receiving services that will be coming into the building and the neighborhood on a daily basis. Additionally, questions were asked about number and frequency of people eating and showering at the building.

Asbestos abatement has been proceeding, and demolition on the interior is taking place.

There was significant discussion regarding concerns that when homeless people are invited into the neighborhood, there will be impacts on the area immediately around, including Williamson Park and the residences nearby. The FFL staff agreed to share telephone numbers, provide a fact sheet, and continue discussions.

After FFL left, there was discussion regarding forming an ad hoc committee to more fully understand existing zoning, variances, intentions of FFL and needs of the neighborhood. Jeremy and Don will attempt to make that happen.

Carrie presented the financial report for February and March. Current balance $41,937. Several house plaques already been sold with money coming to EHDA from Diane’s. There was a $1,000 fraudulent charge that will hopefully be investigated and refunded. Tax return completed. TN state business registration has been submitted. Financials were approved.

Planning: Don reported on problem properties. 1781 Forest improvements being made on property with appropriate 9 over 1 grid windows, and repairs being made to the second story. Stucco has been scraped off and replaced with hardy board. Meeting was held on site, and stop work order was issued because they were removing an original material of the property, with no previous mention that there were issues with the existing material. Owner is working with code regarding appropriate stucco replacement.

196 McNeil went to Environmental court today. Problem tenant is supposed to be moving on in a week or so. Owner claims tenant will be moved, though judge said not to move him into another property in Evergreen. Don thanked David Rhea for his work on this.

April 28, 1544 Court will be in Landmarks. Property in disrepair. New owner is looking to restore front porch and add new rear porch. Plans to remove asbestos shingles and replace with vinyl siding.

The Parkview – Will come to Landmarks for a national register designation for the building which will give them the opportunity to apply for historic tax credits. The planned development is largely centered on the parking question. They are proposing studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom units. They are short of code on parking requirement. They can discount if served on a bus line, paved sidewalks, bicycle spaces. Currently 25 short of what is required. April 28 meeting between Parkview and neighborhood scheduled. It appears the project is moving forward without a garage.

There was discussion regarding adding trash cans to the neighborhood. Jeremy will work with Roger Ekstrom and determine more details.

The Garden Club has plans to put a small herb garden in the sunny section of Sallie Hillard Park. They are working on plans for some other improvements and will share ideas in the future.

Jeremy shared plans for cleanup and improvements in Washington Bottoms and Avalon/Madison area.

A number of wrecks occurring recently and Evergreen and Galloway. Jeremy will reach out to city traffic folks to see if anything can be done.

Evergreen diversity signs are in and going up in the neighborhood.

There was some discussion regarding the stone walls on Stonewall at Poplar. The wall was apparently included in the original historic designation of Evergreen. More discussions forthcoming.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Evergreen Historic District Board Meeting

March 9, 2022, Trinity United Methodist Church and Zoom

Attending: Jeremy Williams, Chip Chockley, Canon Parkerson, Denise and Autry Parker, Laura Lanier, Gene Laurenzi, Michael and Mallory Seeker, Brenda Morris, Tuner Foster, Susan Weber (serving as substitute secretary tonight), Chris Morton, Neely Bagwell, Wain Rubenstein, Brenda Morris, Don Jones, Sam Goff.

Monthly Business

Minutes of February 2022 meeting were approved.

Carrie unable to attend – financials to be presented at next month’s meeting.

Committee Reports

  1. Beautification: Overton Park Zoo Greensward Parking settled; 17 acres back to OP. Williamson Park:  Roger Egstrom, a Parks employee, contacted the neighborhood (Gene?).  Engstrom is working with Mike Flowers to move improvements project at Williamson forward. The project includes addition of a walking path, upgrading padding below playground equipment, and installation of bollards to prevent driving on the park (donuts driven on the park lately).
  2. Membership: Chris Morton reported new house packet list was distributed/emailed to board members, which included a list of properties that aren’t occupied by owner. Discussed how EHDA will be informing them of Design Guidelines and how occupants can contact Landmarks.
  3. Communication: Chris Morton said the “committee” page for the EHDA website is almost ready to publish.
  4. Fundraising: Teresa Bullock absent – no fundraising news shared tonight.
  5. Planning: Don Jones reported on some of the properties that have been issued stop work orders, and EHDA continues to track. Mike Seeker noticed that at 1781 Forrest, window changes were being replaced incorrectly. Reported and stop work order issued by Landmarks for windows.  Landmarks restricted this order to only window related work, and other non-window work may proceed at that address. 196 McNeil and another property on Willett being monitored.  EHDA members present at court hearings recently. 791 Clarke Place built not in accordance with Landmarks/Zoning consideration – stop work issued. The old Baptist Brotherhood or Leadership Memphis building at 1548 Poplar will soon house Friends for Life.  Special Use permit may be needed for the planned use of this bldg. by FFL. (e.g., laundry facilities, showers).  This property is currently zoned multi-family – possibly zoned as philanthropic in earlier.  Use Variance or Special Use may be necessary for FFL to use bldg. as they intend.
  6. Community Engagement: Chip Chockley reported that a Block Captain party still in works as well as a neighborhood-wide block party this year.
  7. Neighborhood Watch: Jeremy Williams shared that there have been concerns by residents in the southwest part of EHDA (Dist 2), near Cleveland. Specifically, residents of EHDA have reported to police and Jeremy their concerns with squatters living in neglected properties within their district.  District 2 residents had their first meeting with MPD to set up Neighborhood Watch for that district. As required by MPD, they will need to meet two more times with MPD before NW is established for Dist. 2.


Old Business

  1. Tree Planting:10 trees need to be planted asap; email sent to EHDA resident re: those available trees (Bill Bullock absent tonight, no further details reported)
  2. EHDA Beautification Grants:Details about the EHDA Beautification Grant were included in recent e-newsletter.  Gene suggested Garden Club, Girl Scouts, Trinity, and local nurseries to contribute to the project.
  3. Trinity Playground:FB post by Jeremy re: helping with efforts to get ideas, fundraising, planning, etc.  Chris will add details about this project in enews this week, and will request support from neighbors.
  4. 2525 Summer Ave. (I don’t think we discussed this tonight)
  5. Wheelchair ramp project completed in February (Don Jones, Sam and Jeremy Bill contributed If other neighbors in need, please let EHDA know (email Sam or bring up in a board meeting).


New Business/Announcements

  1. Diversity Yard sign (resident suggested a neighborhood diversity sign be made for EHDA) Board members asked how the signs will be distributed. Gene suggested that Diane’s be a distribution point for anyone who wants one. Storage of signs was discussed—Jeremy has a shed that can be used for storage. Placement of signs to our communal neighborhood space was suggested, not just in front yards.  Concerns about the verbiage discussed and no objections expressed.  Quantities to order discussed.  Before ordering, Chris suggested we see who is interested in getting a sign from EHDA before by asking residents via the e-newsletter.  It was suggested we wait a week to get responses to determine quantity to buy.  Distribution TBD.
  2. Zoo/Greensward: Gene Laurenzi and the board discussed the success of local EHDA advocates (esp Mary Wilder, Eric Gottlieb, volunteers). Neely Bagwell suggested we send letters to Zoo director Jim Dean, city councilman Jeff Warren, and OPC director Tina Sullivan, to express praise and thanks for the decision on behalf of the EHDA. Gene and Neely will draft the letter and send to EHDA board members for approval.
  3. Parkview parking garage:

The same firm that did a presentation at the February EHDA meeting, Design Shop, met with Buena Vista residents and neighbors (which Jeremy attended).  Concerns expressed included sound pollution, crime, light pollution, scale of the project/blocking of neighboring homes.  Another meeting will take place tomorrow 3/10/22 with Buena Vista residents/neighbors.  Since the Parkview renovation plans are unclear (as are its new residents’ parking needs), some board members and residents are apprehensive to support the building of a 4-story garage. DS stated at our February meeting and the subsequent neighborhood meeting, that underground parking garage plans are not a consideration.  This type of project will likely be filed as a land use case; elevation will be considered by Landmarks.  The developer seems to be planning their parking in accordance with the zoning code, basing number of spaces on 1 BR/studio units.

FURTHER NEW BUSINESS, possible community engagement:  Don Jones reported on a project that Midtown Memphis CDC is doing.  The location of the project is “Madison Heights” between Belvedere/McNeil across from CashSaver and contains Crumpy’s. MMCDC is working on road improvements like the addition of speed bumps and removal of unneeded street parking, to create a more pedestrian-friendly street.  The plan also includes planting trees and creating more greenspace near Murphy’s.  EHDA and Central Gardens are being asked to assist with the project since it is located between the two neighborhoods.  A meeting with Cash Saver, Murphy’s MMCDC took place recently; city grant being pursued for funding of improvements.  The organization asked EHDA to take survey on their website, which asks for input on how to name the area.  Though I don’t see the survey, here is a link to an article about this project:  https://storyboardmemphis.org/midtownmemphis-org-news/midtownmemphis-org-sets-out-to-improve-a-neglected-corner-at-avalon-and-madison/

Jeremy mentioned that a similar effort is happening on Cleveland to do beautification/greenspace improvements/revitalization.   Jeremy will send follow-up information as the project progresses.

Concerns about burned out apartment on Cleveland; board asked if there is new ownership and who is maintaining/securing those apts.  Jeremy encouraged entering tickets to voice public safety concerns to the city.  Neely suggested we try to contact the property owners.  Michael Seeker added that developer/flipper Cameron Ellis purchased apartments before the fire; did some minor renovations and tried to sell for profit; then the fire took place.


Evergreen Historic District Board Meeting

February 16, 2022, Trinity United Methodist Church and Zoom

Attending: Susan Weber, Chris Morton, Jeremy Williams, Bill and Teresa Bullock, Don and Marion Jones, Wain Rubenstein, Sam Goff, Laura Lanier, Carrie Kerley, Chip Chockley, Canon Parkerson, Katie Bruce, Denise Parker, Vivian and Roger Ekstrom, Eric Gottlieb, Gene Laurenzi, Michael and Mallory Seeker.

Minutes of last meeting were approved.

Design Shop – Tim Michael, Scott Guidry, Mark Nepper? (Forge Partners – Ownership) of Parkview: Tim shared some images of conceptual designs for a new garage for the Parkview. Occupancy rate of 50%, 137 units, currently on site 66 parking units, lacking about 139 spaces. He outlined the footprint and elevations of the garage. He discussed potential berming against the west edge of the building, and noted they would like to preserve as many of the trees as possible as well as add more landscape plants in that buffer zone.

They presented an option with vertical fins that can be oriented such that light and noise can be dampened in certain directions.

Eric noted that a 44-foot height is high in relation to the existing houses, and the setback is less than the existing houses. Tim noted it was quite expensive to put some of the structure underground. When asked about parking on top of the garage Tim noted there would be.  Eric asked about a staggered effect where the side closest to Buena Vista would be lower than the proposed 44 feet. Eric also inquired about greenscaping or giving some relief to resemble housing. Tim noted that there was previous discussion regarding a green wall but because of potential failure of plantings decided not to pursue.

Eric also asked about the possibility of a coffee shop or some similar amenity in the garage or in the Parkview itself. Tim noted it is up to the owners and believe that they would be open to such a facility that would serve both residents and neighbors.

The board discussed the issue and agreed that the developers need to have discussions with the nearby neighbors. While most of the board seemed to agree that a solution for parking was needed to make the Parkview a vibrant part of the community, it was agreed that it needs to look like it belongs.

Carrie presented the financial report with total balance being $45,358.37. She also presented the budgeted vs. spent financials for 2021, but the actual spend was much less than budget due to pandemic. She presented a proposed budget of $16,000 for 2022. The board approved the report and the budget.

Gene reported that he submitted the paperwork for a $500 grant from City Beautiful for tree planting.

Chris reported on membership. For 2021 we were slightly down at 359 members but slightly up for duesf at $13,365. He reported he made some updates to the website, and plans to make other additions regarding committees.

Teresa reported that we are planning for the Gala pandemic willing, but it would not be before the fall.

Planning – Don reported one item going through Landmarks – on Autumn. Putting in front porch that had been previously removed. Most issues of the committee revolve around problem properties. His report is attached as part of the minutes.

Community Engagement – Chip is kicking around the idea of a block captain recognition party. Sam noted that during Christmas Caroling, he saw a wheelchair ramp at the home of one of our residents in need of repair. The board approved up to $500 for materials for this ramp.

Neighborhood Watch – Jeremy is working with a small group of neighbors and trying to get momentum. District I is moving forward, and it looks like there is interest from a potential leader in district II.

Greensward – Jeremy had previously shared Jim Dean’s letter with the board.

Sam reported that Lab Academy will move into the space to be vacated by the Montessori school at Trinity UMC later this summer.

There was discussion regarding creating signs saying that diversity is a strength of Evergreen. Jeremy will pursue.

Safety and Security – There was discussion regarding looking again at a private security. Phelps is not interested in taking on more neighborhoods. Anecdotal evidence from Central Gardens was not positive. We will gather latest numbers and have that information available for any residents seeking information on this topic.

Washington Bottoms Cleanup Feb. 26, 9:30.

Historic House Plaques – EHDA cost would be in the neighborhood of about $40 per plaque with an order of 50. It was approved to make an order of 50.

Jeremy noted that Memphians are having a hard time buying homes with one reason being that developers are buying them up. Is there anything we can do? Don noted that the best thing we can do is actively enforce our Landmarks Design Review Guidelines.

There was some discussion regarding a potential big rig parking area at 2525 Summer backing up to the new development on Broad Street. Gene will research it.

Susan noted the safety issues brought about from the long-term loss of electricity due to the ice storm, including loss of the traffic light at McLean and North Parkway. It was agreed that the lack of a working light and sufficient crossing guards made the intersection quite dangerous especially for children walking to school.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


Evergreen Historic District Association

General Membership Meeting, January 20, 2022, Via Zoom

Attending: Bill and Teresa Bullock, Pam Routh, Jeremy Krissi Williams, Chris Morton, Shirley Stagner, Neely Bagwell, Lisa Daniel, Kim Province, Don Jones, Laura Lanier, Elena Caron, Kerry Roy, Kathryn Roberts, Nick Oyler (City of Memphis), Michael Seeker, Angela and Canon Parkerson, Chip Chockley, Julian Prewitt, Matt Inbush, Corrine and James Elliot, Kathy James, Taryn Spake, Denise and Autry Parker, Melissa Taylor, Derrick Robertson, Sarah Strain, Jamie Bigbie, Sam Canter, Anne Edgar, Eric Gottlieb, Katie Bruce, Susan Weber, Misti Doose, Ruth Hendrix, Phyllis Weaver and others not easily identified from their Zoom names.

Jeremy opened the meeting.

Jeremy read the slate of officers and representatives and it was unanimously approved. Slate to be attached to these minutes.

Nick Oyler, Memphis Bikeway and Pedestrian Program Manager, presented to the group. He let us know about his background, his responsibilities, and presented with a focus on safety on Memphis streets. There was significant discussion regarding how to remedy the dangerous crossing situation at Overton Park and McLean and the speeding problems on Overton Park between Stonewall and Evergreen. Nick also addressed questions regarding other areas in and around Evergreen where meeting participants outlined safety issues facing bikers and pedestrians.

Jeremy informed the group of Neighborhood Watch and Block Captain opportunities.

He also noted the need at Trinity United Methodist Church to make improvements to the playground and his desire for EHDA and Evergreeners to assist in this effort financially and otherwise.

There was a question regarding looking into feasibility of using a private security company to patrol Evergreen and attempt to reduce the crime. It has been looked at previously, but Jeremy will continue to have the board address this further.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.